Referral services

Refer to Shelley & Pope
Dental Practice & Referral Centre

To refer your patient simply click here to access our referral form.

Alternatively you can refer by telephone on 0161 320 4230 with your patient's details and an outline of the case. Please give the patient a referral letter and any radiographs etc to bring with them to their appointment.

You can also refer by e-mail. When we receive your message we will contact your patient and arrange an appointment. If you need to send radiographs etc, please give these to your patient to bring with them to their appointment or send them by post. If you have digital radiography you can also e-mail radiographs to us.

Restorative Dentistry Referrals

We are happy to accept referrals for restorative dentistry such as:

  • Wear cases
  • Crown and bridgework
  • Complete and partial dentures
  • Endodontics
  • Aesthetic dentistry

Dental Implant Referrals

Many restorative problems can be solved with dental implants and there are some that cannot be solved satisfactorily in any other way.

We understand referring practitioners sometimes like to complete the restoration of dental implants in their own practices. We are happy to provide just the surgery or surgery and restoration.


Endodontic Referrals

We are happy to accept referrals for endodontic treatment up to high difficulty. Many practices have been referring all their molar endodontics to us for many years and we are pleased to provide this service to practices in the surrounding area.


Denture Referrals

We accept referrals for complete dentures.

Some practices have been sending us all their complete dentures for some years and we are happy to continue to provide this service.


Surgical Extractions Referrals

We will usually be able to see your patient and extract their tooth within a few days at the most. Where possible, we would like to see a radiograph of the tooth so that we can make a pre-operative assessment.

Please also let us know of any medical complications. The patient must be able to tolerate the procedure under local anaesthetic.


Hygiene Therapy Referrals

We understand that not every practice has a Dental Hygienist. However, many patients would benefit from treatment by a dental hygienist/therapist and so we are happy to accept referrals from other practices for this. We accept referrals for:

  • Scaling and polishing
  • Oral hygiene instruction
  • Diet advice
  • Root surface debridement
  • Full mouth disinfection

Dental Sedation Referrals

Many patients are anxious about dental treatment and we are pleased to help.

As long as your patient is happy to sit in the dental chair, have a thorough examination and will tolerate venupuncture, we will be able to provide comfortable intravenous sedation for them